Sunday, October 9, 2011

English Tea House, Sandakan, Sabah

The English Tea House and Restaurant in Sandakan is a much loved restaurant for locals and a popular tourist destination with its great food and beautiful views.

You can play a little game of Croquet in the garden. A game similar to Croquet is thought to have been played in London in the 16th Century. Possibly having French origins. In London in the mid-19th Century, games manufacturer John Jacques made the 1st modern Croquet sets.

The English Tea House and Restaurant claimed that their croquet sets are also made by John Jacques.

The basic idea of the game is for players to knock the ball through he hoops int he correct order of play, with the winner being the play that hits the centre peg first.

All players play their first hit from the start towards Hoop 1. Players then play alternately one shot at a time; however, you may have a second shot if you knock your ball through the hoop or you hit another player's ball. If you hit another player's ball, you may place your ball directly next to their ball. And the "wicked thing" is you can hit their ball out of the way and away from the hoop to make it difficult for them to reach that hoop.

"Do you want to play a vicious game?"

Visit the English Tea House in Sandakan - where they serve the best scones and tea, and you can play a vicious game!

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