Sunday, October 9, 2011

Agnes Keith House, Sandakan, Sabah

Agnes Keith is an American writer living in Sandakan, Sabah with her English husband between 1934 to 1952.

The house where Agnes lived was restored and turned into a museum as a tribute to her by the Department of Sabah Museum.

In Agnes' own words, the house is located on the finest hilltop in Borneo, with a magnificient view of the habour of Sandakan.

Agnes loved her beautiful house. She said people from far and near came to see it, and have their pictures taken outside the house.

The bedroom is the next place of importance. Like a ship beached by a high tide, our bed stands in the middle of our bedroom floor. All the other pieces of furniture have washed away from it to the outer edges of the room, where they will not intercept any breeze. We made our bed and we certainly like to lie in it. Six-foot-six both ways it is, made of Borneo heavy timber.
-Land below the wind

Agnes wrote about her book room,

There is a mental energy in this room, discharged and accumulated fromt he past, which seems to exilerate you when you enter it. Not only is it a good place to work in, but it is a good place to stop while the bathwater runs, or when dressing for dinner or waiting for breakfast, for there is always something unfinished to be gone on with there.
- Land Below the Wind

I believe that:
While we have more than we need on this continent, and others die for the want of it, there can be no lasting peace. When we work as hard in peacetime to make this world decent to live in, as in wartime we work to kill, the world will be decent, and the causes for which men fight will be gone."
(Three came home, 1946)

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